Hudson group takes home 3 Michael Smith Scholarships
Athan, Katrina and Ryoga have been awarded Michael Smith Scholarships from NSERC to support exchanges to ETH Zürich, Kyoto University and WWU Münster in 2024 and 2025. Nicely done!

Angie recognized for excellence in research
Angie has won the Wilma Ethel Elias award from the Department of Chemistry for her research on organelle-targeting polymer dots. Great work!

Katrina recognized for service to UBC
Katrina Bergmann has won the UBC Science Excellence in Service Award for her contributions to the Department of Chemistry and UBC community!

Min hired at the University of Queensland
Postdoc Min Liu will be joining the University of Queensland as a DECRA Future Fellow. Congratulations!

Bruno joins Quantiam Technologies
Postdoc Bruno Luppi has been hired as a Senior Scientist at Quantiam Technologies in Alberta. Congrats!

Tino wins Chemistry thesis prize
Tinotenda Masvikeni has won the M. D. Fryzuk award for the best honours thesis in chemistry. Well done!

Fouad wins Chemical Engineering thesis prize
Fouad Elgamal has won the K. B. Mathur Prize for the best honours thesis presentation in Chemical Engineering. Great job!

Pengfei hired at UBC!
M.Sc. grad Pengfei Xu is UBC's newest NMR Technician - congratulations!

Zac Awarded UBC’s Charles McDowell Medal
The McDowell Medal is awarded to UBC's top researcher under 40 in science and engineering.