We Design Advanced Materials
for Organic Electronics

Optoelectronic Materials
Bioimaging Probes
Polymer Nanoscience
Sustainable Synthesis

Who we are

Our research on optoelectronic materials spans the fields of organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry, polymer science, and nanomaterials. Our mission is to provide a collaborative environment where creativity is encouraged, and trainees have the freedom to break new ground. We use a targeted approach to training to help every individual set and achieve goals, whether through academic exchanges, industry partnerships, outreach, and more. Learn More


Tino wins Chemistry thesis prize

Tinotenda Masvikeni has won the M. D. Fryzuk award for the best honours thesis in chemistry. Well done!

Fouad wins Chemical Engineering thesis prize

Fouad Elgamal has won the K. B. Mathur Prize for the best honours thesis presentation in Chemical Engineering. Great job!

Pengfei hired at UBC!

M.Sc. grad Pengfei Xu is UBC's newest NMR Technician - congratulations!